First Article

LOWER COST FR4-based copper clad laminate “B-Grade” for equipment testing, drill prove-outs, or prototyping. These products are manufactured to common industry thicknesses: .028″, .040″, .047″, and .059″ with double sided copper cladding. Surface quality and thickness tolerance may vary, this is designed to be a cost-effective way to evaluate designs and equipment calibration with using expensive certified base materials.
FR4 .031 H/H 37″ x 49″
FR4 .031 H/H 43″ x 49″
FR4 .047 H/H 37″ x 49″
FR4 .047 H/H 43″ x 49″
FR4 .059 H/H 37″ x 49″
FR4 .059 H/H 43″ x 49″